The Wilson Primary School


Wilson Primary School is a school where individuals are valued and helped to achieve their personal best. Children are supported in becoming confident and independent young people, who thrive on challenge, and are motivated to learn.

All schools are distinctive and unique which a website cannot capture. We encourage you to come and meet our staff and children to see and feel our caring, supportive and friendly environment.

I am extremely proud to lead a team that is committed to children's well-being, achieving high standards and providing the very best opportunities for all in our care. Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum; to prepare children for future education; and to help them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to embrace the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Positive and successful education is all about working together and we warmly welcome parental and community involvement in every aspect of what we do.

Claire Hurst
Executive Headteacher