The Wilson Primary School



SENCO: Mrs Polly O’Donnell   


We take pride in reflecting the diversity of our community and we aim to develop a culture of inclusion in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life. We tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which champions respect for all.

Please click on the link to read our Accessibility plan


At Wilson Primary School we take pride in reflecting the diversity of the community our pupils are part of. The staff, governors, pupils and parents work together to make Wilson Primary a happy, welcoming place where  children and adults can develop into confident and successful learners who are ready to meet the challenges of the future. By consistently focusing on the quality of teaching and learning at Wilson Primary, all groups of children are given the opportunity to develop and meet their potential including those who have been identified as having additional needs. We are committed to narrowing the attainment and progress gaps between SEN and non-SEN pupils.

Please click on the links to read our Special Needs Policy and Local Offer   

Click here to see Reading's SEND Local Offer

Click here for Brighter Future for Children's SEND guide for parents

Click here for Reading's latest SEND guides and information

Footsteps & Pathways classes

Footsteps and Pathways classes are resource bases at Wilson Primary School for selected children. This is a resourced provision supported by Brighter Futures for Children.

The classes are small, nurturing provisions for children who will benefit from small group teaching with specialised teaching and learning opportunities.

Children who attend Pathways & Footsteps will still be part of the main school and a plan will be made for them to attend parts of the school day with their peers as appropriate. This is important to ensure that children still feel part of their current peer group.

How will Pathways & Footsteps classes support a child?

Children who attend Footsteps & Pathways classes will have a highly personalised curriculum and experience.

They will be part of a very small class of children (12 children) with a high level of staff support.

Everything planned within Footsteps & Pathways classes will be tailored to meet the needs of the children and build upon their strengths.

Children will work with a core group of staff who will get to know them and how they learn best. Staff will use this knowledge and experience to support them to access mainstream learning where appropriate.  

How is admission to Footsteps & Pathways Class arranged?

Footsteps and Pathways classes are an Alternatively Resourced Provision and places in these classes have to be agreed by the school and the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) team in Brighter Futures for Children. If we feel that a child would benefit from a place in Footsteps & Pathways class we will discuss this with parents and Brighter Futures for Children. Children who attend Footsteps & Pathways Class should have an EHCP. Attending Wilson Primary School does not guarantee that a child will get a place in Footsteps or Pathways  Class – applications have to be made through the Brighter Futures for Children SEND team.

How will parents be involved?

We are looking forward to working with parents to support children who attend Footsteps & Pathways Classes.

Parents know their child best and staff will contact parents regularly to talk about how things are going. Staff are always very happy to answer any questions or discuss anything that parents wish to talk through. Parents are always welcome to contact staff via the school office or see staff when dropping off their child off in the morning. Parents will also receive updates via your usual parents evenings.

How will a child’s current class teacher be involved?

The relationship that a child has with their current class teacher is a very important one. Class teachers will continue to spend some time with a child and they will also visit them whilst they are in Footsteps & Pathways Class. When a child moves onto the next year this transition will be planned between Footsteps & Pathways staff, their current class teacher and their new class teacher.

How long a child attend Footsteps & Pathways Class?

The school have not set a restriction on the time that a child can attend. These decisions will be made on an individual basis with the best interests of the child in mind. If it is felt that a child is ready to move back to their mainstream class for more of their school day this will be discussed with parents and a detailed transition plan will be put in place.

If it is felt that Footsteps & Pathways Class are not meeting the needs of a child and that more specialist support is required this will be discussed with parents and a joint plan created.