Support Available for Families
Childcare Support Website
Childcare can be expensive but there is help available for you towards the costs of childcare. Click on this website link as it may provide you with some useful information and show the various support options that may be available to you.
Two year old funding
Whilst we dont offer 2 year old places in our Nursery many children are eligible. You can find out more about how you can make use of a two year old place at another local Nursery here.
Support from the Health Visitor
Children from birth to the age of 5 are able to be supported by the Health visiting team. Your health vistor can provide you with practical support and health advice within your community with a focus on families.
Your health visitor is able to answer questions and give advice on all sorts of topics including breast-feeding, sleep, immunisation and teething.We work in various locations including your family home, children’s centres and GP surgeries.
Contact Name
- Duty Health Visitor
- Telephone
- 0118 9312111
Parenting Special Children
Parenting special children 's mission is to provide specialist parenting support to parents and carers of children and young people with Special Needs, so that they can create positive change in their lives. Their support is available for children and families both pre and post diagnosis.
Reading Family information Service
The Family Information Service is a statutory service providing free individually tailored, impartial information, advice and guidance on any family matter. The service is available to any family member taking care of children or young people aged 0-19 years of age inclusive (up to 25 years for children and young people with special needs) as well as professionals working with families in Reading.
FIS Family Information Service
The Family Information Service is a statutory service providing free individually tailored, impartial information, advice and guidance on any family matter. The service is available to any family member taking care of children or young people aged 0-19 years of age inclusive (up to 25 years for children and young people with special needs) as well as professionals working with families in Reading. The service is delivered by qualified staff in Information, Advice & Guidance.